Autumn Term Year 1
In English, we will look at books from Pie Corbett’s reading spine to develop children’s read and writing further. We will focus on four reading spine books this term. These will be: Elmer, Beegu, Cops and Robbers and Can’t you sleep little bear?
We will focus on numbers to 10 in mathematics ensuring the children have a secure knowledge of their basic numbers. The children will add and subtract one digit numbers. We will also begin to count forwards and backwards from any given number to 100 in 1s, 10s and 2s.
In history we will journey back in time to learn about our personal history to learn about significant events such as the Gunpowder plot and Remembrance Day. We will use a range of sources and artefacts to learn about significant people in our personal lives, Guy Fawkes and King James I.
We will be exploring the world in geography. We will be locating different towns, cities and continents around the world, using atlases, maps, globes and compasses. We will also explore the world’s oceans.
In science we will be exploring different materials and carrying out experiments to find the most suitable materials for specific objects. We will also learn about different animals and humans.
We will become artists and learn about different skills, focusing on colour mixing, painting skills and making collages.
In RE, our focus is Christianity.
We use iPads for our computing lessons. We will be following Purple Mash scheme, learning how to stay safe on the internet and following different algorithms.
In PE the children will work on their ball skills including throwing and catching.
As well as all our other exciting learn we will also become musicians. We will begin to learn how to play the Glockenspiel and play along to different music.