Summer Term Year 1
In the summer term our historians will learn about Winston Churchill and Christopher Columbus using their research skills to find out why Winston Churchill and Christopher Columbus are significant.
In science, we will be going on an expedition and a safari to learn about the different animals around the world. We will be working scientifically to carry out an experiment, to find the most suitable material to keep us warm while we are in Alaska on our expedition.
We continue with learning our musical instruments and focusing on learning different skills in PE such as athletic skills, running, jumping (Standing long jump) and throwing (Howler).
Our main focus in R.E will be looking at ‘what does it mean to belong to a faith community?’
In English, we will continue to use the reading spine to guide our development of reading and writing. Our children will focus on four reading spine books this term. These will be: Avocado Baby, The Elephant and the Bad Baby, Where the Wild Things Are and Knuffle Bunny.
In mathematics, the children will begin to learn how to multiply and divide and how to tell the time (o clock and half past the hour). They will also continue to use their prior learning to solve place value and measurement challenges.
In Geography we will explore the North and South Pole. Study Australia and compare it to the United Kingdom.