
Autumn Term Year 2

In this term we will be reading a wide variety of stories and information texts.  We will be authors of diaries, stories and information texts.  We will study the Lighthouse Keeper stories written by Ronda Armitage and listen to Fantastic Mr Fox as our class novel. We will design and sew our own bookmark too.

We will journey back in time to explore events such as the first moon landing and the gunpowder plot.  We will use a range of sources to learn about significant people like Roald Dahl, Grace Darling, Guy Fawkes and Neil Armstrong. We will get on board the Titanic and learn about what the disaster must have been like for the children. 

We will use maps and the internet to explore the continents and oceans of the world.

In art and DT we will create a sculpture of a lighthouse and investigate how we can light it up.  We will learn how to colour mix and study the amazing drawings of Quentin Blake.  We will design our own boats and investigate which is the best material for them in science.

In RE, we will begin to learn about Islam and what Muslims believe.  We will explore the sacred texts of the Bible and the Qu’ran.

We will use our IPADs learn how to code and be safe on the internet.  We will also use them to research and to support different areas of the curriculum.

We will stay fit and healthy by developing our ball skills in PE and learn the effects of exercise on our bodies.

In music, we will learn new songs and how to play the recorder and other musical instruments.

As well as all of this exciting learning, we will be learning how to add and subtract numbers using a standard written method.  We will begin to learn the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and learn how to make amounts of money in different ways.

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