

Thank you for showing interest in our school. To find out how your child can join Park End Primary School, please see the information below.

Acorns and Nursery Admissions

Places for Acorns (2 year old Nursery) and Saplings (3 year old Nursery), including applications for free 30 hour places for 3 year olds are allocated according to school’s admission policies.

To view policies related to admissions click here.

If you would like to request a place at either Acorns or Saplings Nursery, please collect a form from the school office or download a copy below.

If you believe you are entitled to 30 hours free childcare in nursery, visit the Government website here.

Reception – Y6 School Admissions

Admissions for full time places at Park End Primary are managed through Middlesbrough School Admissions Team. You can contact Christopher Rumsey, Senior Admissions Officer, on 01642 201890.

Park End Primaries admission number for 23/24 is 72.

Please follow the link for further information Middlesbrough Schools Admissions.

When your child has been offered a place at Park End Primary, please arrange an appointment with the school office for a visit and to complete the school admissions pack, or download a copy below.

In year transfers

If you wish for your child to move school please collect a transfer form from the school office or download a copy below.

If you would like your child to transfer to us, please speak to your child’s current school and request a transfer form.

When your child has been offered a place at Park End Primary, the school office will contact parents/carers to arrange an appointment for a visit and to complete the school admissions pack. You can download a copy below.

Admissions appeals

Parents who have been unsuccessful in their request for a school place for their child have the right to appeal. This must be done directly to the local authority. For more information about the appeals process, please see the Admission Appeals policy on our policies page. 

In accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code, Admission Authorities must set a timetable for organising and hearing educational appeals. The following timetable applies to appeals for admission to the school .

Date Actions taken
16th November 2023Letter sent to parents with common application form and online details.
15th January 2024Closing date for return of forms or online applications to LA admissions team.
March/April 2024Preferences considered.
16th April 2024Emails and/or letters to parents confirming outcome of application.
June/July 2024Appeal hearings as required.

Admissions criteria

The timetable for primary school admissions, including appeal dates, can be found on the Middlesbrough Council Website.  All documentation is available from the school office on request. 

Parents/carers are able to make online applications for admission via the Middlesbrough Council web site – www.middlesbrough.gov.uk

Where more parents/carers have expressed a preference for a particular school than the admission number, the Local Authority must apply its over-subscription criteria in deciding which parents/carers preferences can be met. After the admission of pupils with statements of special educational needs where a particular school is named in the EHCP, the over-subscription criteria for primary schools will be applied as follows;

  • ‘Children looked after’, in public care, for whom the school has been expressed as a preference.
  • Pupils permanently resident in the Admission Zone, i.e. the address at which the child is registered for child benefit, who express a preference for that school (proof of address may be required).
  • Pupils who will have a brother and/or step brother and/or sister and/or step sister or the child of the parent/carer’s partner living at the same address attending the school in the September of admission.
  • Pupils with social and/or medical reasons for attending the school, which in the latter circumstances are substantiated by the LA medical advisors.
  • Pupils who attend the nursery of the school they wish to attend in reception.
  • Pupils who reside closest to a particular school, measured in a straight line. The measure will be taken from the front door of the pupils’ home to the main entrance of the school.

When distinguishing between pupils within the same criteria the pupil with the highest second criteria will be admitted i.e. a pupil living within the admission zone who has a brother or sister attending the school in the September of admission will have a higher criteria than a pupil who lives in the admission zone but does not have a brother or sister attending the school.

School Calendar

RNLI assembly for KS1 and KS2
View Event
Year 3 pedestrian training
View Event
Year 5 swimming
View Event

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