
Autumn Term


A love of books and the English language is at the heart of everything we will do in English. During our reading lessons we will be continuing to practise our reading fluency and ability to confidently read aloud, and discussing the meaning behind what we have read. Children will use their inference skills to look deeper into understanding a text and articulating answers appropriately.

In our writing lessons, we will use some of the most amazing books to inspire our own work. You will dive into the Victorian era, using the book, ‘Rooftoppers’ by Katherine Rundell (set in both London and Paris), and produce your own leaflet to advertise a trip to Paris. In the second half term, we will be looking at the non-fiction book, ‘Shackleton’s Journey’, to learn about his expedition to Antarctica. You will be writing your own motivational speech to help boost morale amongst the crew and writing your own newspaper article, reporting the events that occur. Writing lessons will give you the chance to develop your understanding of the way we use sentences accurately in our work as you become grammar experts. 


In maths, the children will be building upon their knowledge of the times tables and they will continuing with daily rehearsal of the written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children will be continuing to deepen their understanding with opportunities for reasoning and problem solving. We want to develop confident mathematicians who have fun and enjoy their learning in maths! 


You will become a historian during autumn term and take a trip back in time! We will be taking you all the way back to 2600BC to visit the Mayan era. We will then go on to look at explorers post 1066. There will be a focus on understanding chronology and looking at the great and glorious figures of the past. 


Our science work in Autumn will focus on electricity which ties in nicely with the Victorian period given that this was where it all began. The children will explore a world without electricity as well as develop their knowledge and understanding of how electricity and electrical devices work and the impact they have on our daily lives. Children will create simple circuits and learn about the different components needed to make it work as well as understand where these components exist in real life circuits. 


Children will continue to strengthen their geographical skills through the use of 6-figure grid referencing and apply this knowledge to maps of both Park End and the wider world. We want children to really understand the world around them and be able to explore a variety of different places across the globe. We will therefore be looking at the different environments and climates around the world to see where the children may like to explore further in their futures! 


This term, we will be looking at surrealist artists, such as Salvador Dali, and how they used their imagination to produce art. They will use their own imagination and take inspiration from other artists to produce their own.  

Religious Education 

In R.E, we will be looking at why some people use religion or turn to it when life gets hard. We will be answering and exploring some big questions linked to life and religion that will ensure children have respect and an understanding of different people’s religions and choices. 


As part of our commitment to developing pupils’ personal, social, health and economic knowledge and skills, the children will be learning about their rights and responsibilities as a citizen both in school and as part of the wider world. 

Physical Education 

In the first half term, children will be looking at the skills needed to take part in invasion games – this will be taught primarily through tag rugby. This will also help develop their teamwork skills and resilience. After the half term holiday, the pupils will be begging to sign up to Strictly Come Dancing as we will be learning how to tell a story through dance.  


Musical talents. The children will be developing their singing skills through the participation in a singing group led by a music specialist. In addition to this, the children will be taught how to play the recorder with a specialist music teacher. 


Pupils will be learning how to speak Spanish with our new, specialist Spanish teacher. They will build on the basic language they have learnt in previous years and learn more about the Spanish culture. 

School Calendar

Year 4 swimming
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Year 3 Dorman Museum trip
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Year 6 Basketball competition
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