Spring Term Year 2
In this term, we will become historians and study the life of Captain James Cook. We will use maps to chart his expeditions and use sources to find out what life was like at sea. We will also learn about other significant individuals and events such as King Henry VIII and what happen to his six wives. We will find out about his daughter Queen Elizabeth I and how her and Sir Francis drake defeated the Spanish Armada.
We will also use maps and historical sources to find out about our local area, Middlesbrough. We will visit landmarks in the town and learn about structures such as The Transporter Bridge and Newport Bridge. We will use the work of Mackenzie Thorpe to inspire our own art work of the Transporter Bridge and other Middlesbrough structures. In addition, we will design and make our own sculptures and structures.
We will study the physical and human features of places in the United Kingdom and make comparisons of these.
In science, we will be working scientifically and testing different mixtures and making observations about what happens. This will link to our study of another book by Roald Dahl, George’s Marvellous Medicine. We will also learn about human and animal life cycles and how to keep ourselves healthy by eating a balanced diet.
In mathematics, we will learn how to tell the time and understand fractions.
We will continue to learn new songs, new rhythms and how to play our musical instruments and in RE we will focus on special and sacred times in both Christianity and Islam.
Throughout the term, we will continue learning new skills on the IPADs and how to keep safe on the internet.