
Spring Term Year 3


Now that you have really developed your understanding of sentences, you will practise this using another incredible book as your stimulus. This term, you will be exploring the ‘Tin Forest’ through the pictures and words created by the author and illustrator. As you delve further into the story, you will be able to take on the role of the old man and write from his point of view.

In reading lessons, you will continue your career as a reading detective on a mission to understand the deeper meanings in books. You will be able to use your inference skills to work out what the author is trying to tell you with the words that they use.


Continuing with your Power Maths books, you will continue to look at multiplication and division. You will also learn about money, statistics and length. And of course, Fraction Friday!


What happened to the Iron Age in Britain? Who invaded Egypt to end their reign? It was the Romans, of course. During this term you will find out all about these powerful and very clever warriors and their place in world history. Further along the timeline, you will have the chance to learn about the Anglo Saxons and what life was like for them.


In spring term, you will continue to learn about digital resilience and how to stay safe on the internet. You will use your iPads to learn how to code and you will look at why passwords are important for your email accounts.


Which animals are famous painters? – Pablo Pig-Caso and Vincent van Goat! During spring term, inspirational artists, past and present, will continue to inspire you to develop your drawing and collage skills. When drawing, you will learn to experiment with different grades of pencil and use shading to create light and shadow. In collage, you will learn how to use materials and digital media to create different effects in collage.


The geographical focus for this term will be on discovering about erosion and deposition. You will deepen your understanding of the water cycle and learn about the very important topic of climate change.


Why didn’t the skeleton go to the party? Because he had no body to go with! In science this term you will be exploring the human skeleton and how important it is to us – and not just for parties. You will look at the muscles we have in our body and how it all works together to keep us moving. Taking the lessons outside will allow you to enter the scientific world of plants. Just like the human body, the structure of a plant is very important and it will be your job to find out all about it.


In spring term, you will look at how people express what they believe. You will continue to look at Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism. You will look at the big question, ‘Why do people pray?’


During spring term, you will look at ‘Dreams and Goals’. You will investigate the different ways that help you learn and what you need to do to improve. You will also learn about ‘Healthy Me’, looking at how to keep safe and healthy.


Andy Murray better be worried because this term Year 3 are learning how to play tennis. You will think carefully about net and wall skills as you improve your swing of the racquet and control of the ball. Flexibility will also be key this term as you progress with your gymnastics. You will partner up with someone to create a gymnastic sequence together.


Make sure your voices are warmed up, as during spring term you will listen to and appraise different music, sing and continue to learn to play the glockenspiel. Your spring term topics will be ‘Three little birds’ and ‘The dragon song’.

School Calendar

Year 4 swimming
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Year 3 Dorman Museum trip
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Year 6 Basketball competition
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