Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
Leaving Reception behind and moving into Year 1 can feel like a big step for both children and parents. We are here to make the transition easier for everyone by supporting the children and parents with their next learning step.
In Year 1, we strive to create a positive and stimulating learning environment for our children. We endeavour to challenge children to reach their full potential and enjoy feeling accomplished.
In our English lessons we will follow the RWI programme throughout the year. We ensure children are introduced to a wide range of different reading materials, develop their vocabulary and develop their fluency in reading.
To view the year 1 curriculum, please visit our curriculum drop down and view the overviews on individual subjects.
At Park End Primary School, we follow the Read Write Inc scheme to deliver our phonics and reading lessons.
In phonics, children are taught to recognise the single letter sounds and then special friends, which as 2 or 3 letters together that make 1 sound eg sh, ay, igh. They learn a phrase to help learn the sounds. The sounds are divided into set 1, set 2 and set 3.
Children are taught to read and spell decodable words containing sounds that they have been taught. Children will be using Fred Talk and Fred in their Head to support with their reading.
Fred Talk allows the children to say the sounds out loud to support with their blending.
Fred in the Head encourages children to say the sounds in their head, blend them and then say the word. This helps to develop their fluency.
In reading lessons, children read books that match their phonic ability. They will read the same book 3 times.
Read 1: Children will be introduced to the book, practice new words, red words and then read the book.
Read 2: Reread the book using Fred in their Head
Read 3: Reread book – should be speedy and then answer questions linked to the book.
Children will bring reading books home that match their phonic ability. They are encouraged to read the book 2 times before it is changed.

Phonics screening assessment
Children in year 1 must sit a phonics screening assessment. This will be administered by the class teacher.
For the phonics screening dates, please click here.